Friday, April 2, 2010

It's A Big Deal!

These are the pictures taken from the latest ultra sound. We hope you all enjoy them. I realize it could be a mistake and we could be having a girl but that being said I think it highly likely that we are having a little boy. Based on the pictures he is very tall and loves to show off is manhood.
This next one is his profile. I think he has my nose. Cute right?
This last one is him laying on his side with both hands up to his mouth sleeping. He just curled up in a ball and fell a sleep. It was really cute I have to say.

Well that is it for now because I don't want to expose his man parts to everyone on the internet. Just know that he has them and he is proud of them. If you want the pictures for yourself let me know and I will email them to you. Love, Becky and Jeremy