Sunday, February 28, 2010

Getting Bigger

I thought you all would like to see a picture of my tummy. I am 15 Weeks today and I have have a baby bump since 8 weeks. It hasn't gotten any bigger that I can tell but it is clear there is a baby in there. I would like to say thank you for all your support too, oh and Bonnie thank you so much for the clothes. I got them Friday and I am in heaven. I no longer have to worry about squeezing into my normal clothes. Everything looks like it will fit great, if it doesn't already fit.
 Also I thought that all of you would love to take this fun quiz that I took a a baby shower today. By the way, I won this game (surprisingly) I got 7 out of 10 right. Lets see if you can do better. I will give you all the answers next week.
Directions: Match the number of days it takes to complete a pregnancy for each animal. Leave your answers as a comment on this blog. 
(If you don't know how to leave a comment you much click on the button that says followers. From there you just create a user name to identify yourself in a safe way through the blog. Then you can sign in and start commenting.)

Animal                                                      Number of Days
1. Horse                                                          61
2.Whale                                                         220
3.Giraffe                                                        266
4.Cat                                                               21
5.Bear                                                            425
6.Human                                                        108
7.Lion                                                             360
8.Elephant                                                      63
9.Dog                                                             624
10.Mouse                                                       336
(Remember they are out of order and you must match them up.) I will announce the winner next Sunday. Love, Becky                                            


Cribbs said...

You look precious and are so welcome for the clothes. They look good on you and your belly is adorable! I love you and miss you lots.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the adorable comment. It is strange because when I look at it I look fat but when I see the picture it looks obvious there is a baby in there. Wierd.

Unknown said...

Oh, don't forget to take the quiz when you get the chance.

Dad G. said...

I really wouldn't have a clue without looking it up.
But I do know which one would get to the hospital first. (The elephant, because she had her trunk ready to go). The giraffe would probably take the loonngeest to give birth. After it was born, the colt would clear its throat and says, "Excuse me, I'm a little hoarse (horse). The fish would have a whale of a time with her delivery. The bear would have cubs (and hope they weren't born in Chicago). The lion would hope for a boy (that's the mane thing).The cat and mouse would have a race to see which would go first, and the cat would win by a whisker. When the dog had her litter, it would be love at first sight - puppy love.
You look great! The three of you are in our prayers. Keep the pictures coming!

Mommy said...

First off, LOL to Dad G comment! Secondly, I don't see posted anywhere your actual due date...I can't remember those specifics without writing things down anymore! Darn mommy brain! Thirdly, here's my educational guess:

1. Horse-336
2. Whale-425
3. Giraffe-360
4. Cat-61
5. Bear-220
6. Human-266
7. Lion-63
8. Elephant-624
9. Dog-108
10. Mouse-21

Unknown said...

Dad you are so silly. And to Mirinda my due date is Aug. 25th.

Unknown said...

Jeremy said, "that Dad's comment was brilliant"!

Unknown said...

Unfortunately because no one else posted their answers, Mirinda wins by default. I don't know what I have done with my answers at the moment but I will let you know the answers soon. Love, Beck