Saturday, August 21, 2010

Baby Jude Alexander Is Here

August 14th 2010 I went into the hospital diagnosed with Pre-Clampsia and was induced into active labor. I had been contracting for 4 days at this point and was excited about the possibility of having Jude within the next day or so. I was also scared about what could happen if my blood pressure continued to rise.

So swollen, scared, and  surprised at the situation I found myself in I settled in for the long hall. I labored for 14 hours total before they performed the C-Section. It was confirmed that Jude was just to large for me to give birth to naturally.

The scary parts had to do with the epidural for me. I just didn't want to feel completely numb all over me and of course I cried a lot but I got through it with Jeremy's support and love. He did a great job keeping me calm and taking care of the baby while I was in recovery.

Well to tell you all the stats: Jude Alexander Grennan was born in the Rota Naval Base Hospital at 8:19am on August 15th, 2010. He weighted 7lb.-9oz. and was 20.5 inches long. He cried right away which gave us a lot of peace. It was about an hour later that I got to see and hold him for the first time and I have to say it was simply amazing!

He is way cuter than I could have imagined, and thankfully he is healthy. We have had some problems with jaundice and weight loss because I had a c-section but he is on his way to a nice plump, rosy color. Jeremy and I are enjoying every moment, even the sleepless nights. We are learning how to form a good schedule and hoping he will sleep a bit longer at night soon. We can't quite make out his personality yet but we are discovering him the same way he is discovering us, one moment at a time. Hope you enjoy the pictures. Love, Becky and Jeremy

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