Monday, August 2, 2010

A Little Bit More About the Baby

Dear Family and Friends,

I just wanted to give you an update on the latest news. Since I made the last post but didn't have the time to post it a lot has happened. News travels fast so I am sure most of you know by now about me going into labor at 34 weeks. However the Dr. gave me some very strong muscle relaxers and after 2 1/2 days I was able to go home on a modified bed-rest. Jude is fine and I am fine. I was in a lot of pain but nothing I couldn't handle.

As of today though I believe we have made it to the 37 week mark and Jude can now be considered full term. I don't know how much longer he will take to be born but I know that God is good and we hope to give you all the good news soon of a healthy baby boy and an easy delivery.

Jeremy will do his best to get the information out as soon as possible to everyone but don't be shocked if the Spanish Internet fails us.

Oh, and sorry Jude missed your birthday Paul Paul! We will just have to aim for a day of his own now. Course Momma, Gabriel, and Jason I think would all like him to be born on their birthday too. Deddy may be the only one who gets anything out of this though, since Jude is sort of named after him. I just don't think I can tell him when he is to pop out, my timeline has come and gone. I thought I would go into labor June 30th, Jeremy thinks August 5th. I guess only the Lord knows and that is how it should be.

I can say that the experience was really good for Jeremy and I so far. I have been blessed with good health this whole pregnancy (even though I had a few challenges) and Jude has maintained good health as well. The early labor was helpful too. Jeremy and I learned that parenting starts at conception and it gave us a chance to get the house in order and to get the car and bags ready to go to the hospital. We are confident of two things. We are ready to have this baby, and we have no idea what we are going to do when he pops out! We are your typical first time parents and are looking for as much advice as you all can give. Don't overwhelm us but just take note that we don't mind the advice. We may or may not accept it into our family but any advice is welcome so long as it comes in love. We have read a few books and taken a few classes but now it is really up to God, us, and all of you who God has given us for support.

By the way, thank you all for your love and support over the course of this past year. We are so blessed to have family and friends that have kept in touch with us from over 6,000 miles away and we can see the positive affects your love and prayers have had on us as individuals and as a couple. God bless you all and know that I will be thinking of you all in the next few weeks of our lives. Love, Becky

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