Monday, August 2, 2010

The Baby Shower Plus

I know it has been some time since I have updated the blog. I am so sorry for that, I hope to cover all the missing links in the last 2 1/2 months. Ok so several things happened, Jeremy and I flew to Florida (Space A), we visited with Mirinda and Jon, we visited my family and my sisters threw me a great baby shower, we visited Bonnie, we visited Bethann/Erik/Jada/Wayne up in Virginia, we took maternity shots and birthing classes.  There have been other things but those are the things that have been most interesting.

The baby shower was just wonderful. And if you want to check it out just watch this video by clicking the link above. I am also going to post a video from our visit with friends and family too. I know I have taken a while on this but sadly I am busy and tired. I am still working but I think as long as I don't over do it, it might be a good thing for me. I keep feeling that if I don't continue working I will become bored and or overwhelmed with everything that is to come.

I believe Jeremy and I are learning and growing together as a couple but I can see that there are going to be lots of challenges ahead. Brianna (my friend here) has been a great support to me and I believe she will be in the first few weeks after the baby is born as well.

These are a few of my photos from the maternity shoot. I hope you like them, if you want one please just let me know and I will order one for you.

Jeremy and I have also been getting the baby's room ready, which I can say has been an adventure of its own. If you ever want to test your love for your spouse... try building furniture together. I am proud to say Jeremy and I have been successful and in more ways than one through the experience of putting together a nursery. It is really beautiful and as soon as it has curtains I will show you some pictures.

I know Jeremy is working on a surprise for Jude as well but it will be some time before that is finished.

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